12/13/2022 / By Ethan Huff
Starting in January, the globalist-controlled Central Bank of Nigeria will restrict cash withdrawals from banks and ATMs down to just $45 per day in a bid to shift the African country towards a cashless economy.
In recent months, many other central banks have announced similar plans. China, India, Russia, Brazil, Sweden, and the United States – among others – have all signaled a similar shift away from paper and coin money, which is soon to be replaced worldwide by a global digital money system.
Back in November, the globalist-controlled Federal Reserve announced the launch of a 12-week “pilot program” to test out a new central bank digital currency for America called CBDC, which stands for Central Bank Digital Currency.
Nigeria’s coming adoption of its own CBDC is significant because it joins eight other countries that have already done the same. One by one, the countries of the world are falling in line with a global digital money system that will be fully controlled by what has come to be known as the “deep state.”
The Central Bank of Nigeria has already limited weekly cash withdrawals to just $225 for individuals. Corporations are similarly limited to just $1,124 per week – if they want to withdraw more, it should be noted, then added processing fees will apply.
In certain “compelling circumstances,” clarified Haruna Mustafa, the central bank’s director of banking supervision, cash withdrawal limits can be increased but only once per month at maximum.
If you think this is nothing for Americans to worry about, think again. While there may not be official limits on cash withdrawals here in the U.S. (yet), there are pressures in place to not withdraw “too much.”
Requesting to withdraw, say, $5,000, which is beyond most standard ATM limits, could result in an interrogation as to why. The bank might start probing and asking questions, forcing the customer to come up with a compelling case.
The claim is that these limits help to “fight crime” and prevent “money hoarding” and inflation. The reality is that it is all about control and preventing the average person from using his earnings and holdings the way he chooses, also known as freedom.
“This is about going digital, and replacing cash with a more controllable, more trackable mode of exchange,” writes Leo Hohmann on his website.
This all ties into the so-called “smart” cities movement. Major cities everywhere are being transformed to accommodate the coming shift to a global, centralized currency that does away with paper and coins. (Related: 5G towers are being installed in smart cities to handle all transactions with digital currency.)
“We are on the brink of a dramatic change where we are about to, and I’ll say this boldly, we are about to abandon the traditional system of money and accounting and introduce a new one,” revealed globalist economist Pippa Malmgren at the World Government Summit back in March of this year.
“And the new one; the new accounting is what we call blockchain … It means digital, it means having an almost perfect record of every single transaction that happens in the economy, which will give us far greater clarity over what’s going on.”
The goal is to prevent anyone from making any transaction outside the system. Every piece of the economy will be fully controlled and fully surveilled at all times, ensuring total globalist control over the masses.
“That way they will know how much gasoline or heating oil you are consuming, how much meat you are consuming, and it will all be added to your carbon footprint by which you will be taxed for any usage over your allotted amount,” Hohmann explains.
More related news can be found at MoneySupply.news.
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Tagged Under:
Bubble, central banking, Collapse, conspiracy, Control Grid, deception, deep state, digital currency, dollar, enslaved, finance, freedom, Globalism, globalists, money supply, privacy watch, risk, Smart Cities, surveillance
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